Sustainable Solutions

We provide all the support and guidance you need to build a thriving and sustainable company, creating value for your business and your stakeholders.


Virtual Sustainability Will Accelerate Your Business

Sustainability has become a crucial part of any successful business today and will be in the future. It's critical to your company's value creation, risk management and resilience; simply, it makes business sense. 

But are you feeling overwhelmed by sustainability? Do you think you don't have enough time or the knowledge in your organisation to keep up with the ever-changing sustainability landscape?

 If so, outsourcing sustainability management to S29 Consultancy is the solution for you and here are the reasons why.

 Outsourcing Sustainability Management Saves Your Business Time

Time is one of the main reasons that companies struggle to implement a robust sustainability strategy.

Sustainability requires constant attention and isn't simply about stating your intentions. It's about building a strategy, implementing, monitoring data, engaging stakeholders, communicating and reporting.

By outsourcing your sustainability management, you and your staff have more time to focus on other vital business areas.

Partner with our expertise.

Outsourcing with S29 Consultancy allows your company to work with sustainability experts who have expertise in the areas where you lack the knowledge or the workforce.

ESG or sustainability is evolving extremely fast; therefore, outsourcing your sustainability management to us will reduce the need for your business to train your employees in the ever-changing sustainability landscape. 

Outsourcing Sustainability is cost-effective

Working with S29 Consultancy will reduce overall costs by eliminating staff training or recruiting additional staff; instead, we will become your extended sustainability department. 

If you outsource to S29 Consultancy, you will save time and money and receive sustainability support you would not be able to access otherwise. 

Outsourcing Will Deliver You Effective Results.

Many companies still do not realise sustainability's full power; if neglected, your business will risk falling behind your competitors.

With S29 Consultancy on board, you will create value for your company using our expertise. 


Packages we offer

When all you need is a helping hand. 
Our packages are designed to boost your sustainability journey where you need it most


S29 Consultancy is here to revolutionise how we understand and make sense of the transition to becoming a sustainable business.

Most companies ask themselves, "Are we on the right path to being a sustainable business?" What are we doing well now, and how can we do better?"

Our Gap Analysis package simplifies this and shows how you get on that sustainability journey.  We know there is the desire to act, but knowing what to do and how to go about it seems daunting and often confusing.   

Using our best sleuthing abilities, we will quickly understand how sustainable your business is today and give clear recommendations on how to make the changes in your company to achieve your goals and ambitions of the future. 

Included is:

Sustainability Gap Analysis- How Sustainable is your business?

The first step is to complete the S29 Sustainability Gap Analysis.  Our questions cover all aspects of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance).  We dig deep to discover how you perform in these areas and will give you a helicopter view of your business.

Understand the Critical Aspects of Sustainability.

Completing the Gap Analysis will help you understand the critical aspects of sustainability and show how you, as a business, relate to it.

S29 Sustainability Recommended Report

Our recommendation report will give you a baseline of your current situation and detail the critical points you need to address. It will also highlight opportunities for you to be more ambitious and accelerate your company's journey in sustainability.

The report will also show how to integrate sustainability into your operations and form a sustainability strategy.



Is the question "What is your Company's approach to Net Zero" becoming more frequent?

As the support to commit to Net Zero grows, companies increasingly look to their suppliers to help them achieve their targets. As part of their commitment to Net Zero, they must reduce value chain emissions to align with reaching net in eligible 1.5C pathways by 2050 or sooner. 

There is an opportunity for your company to win new business if you can demonstrate your commitment to reducing CO2 emissions and, equally important, not lose existing customers because you are being left behind. 

The first step for a business is establishing a baseline carbon footprint against which to set targets. We can work with you to calculate a baseline carbon footprint for the activities within your business and your value chain. 

Reduction Strategy

We work with you to set a science-based net zero target under the SBTI

  net zero standard framework. Science-based targets help companies determine how much and how fast they need to reduce GHG emissions to align with efforts to limit global warming to 1.5˚C.

What Gets Measured, Gets done

Having a solid process for data collection with defined procedures is critical to monitor your company's progress against the targets set. We will help set up a robust method for your business or monitor your progress on your behalf. 

Report Your Progress.

As part of your commitment to Net Zero, your business must report your progress annually.

We can do this in a stand-alone report for you or as part of your company sustainability report, which brings together all holistic communication of all your sustainability work to communicate the great stories of what your company has achieved on your sustainability journey. 



A sustainability report is a vital, strategic tool that engages stakeholders internally and externally and pulls together all the aspects of sustainability that your business is achieving.

Potential and existing clients will be reporting on their journey, so using the same language as your client is compelling. Your ideal clients want to build relationships with suppliers that will enhance and not damage their reputation, and a sustainability report is your best way of demonstrating this.

S29 Consultancy will guide you through the reporting process resulting in a high-standard polished sustainability report showcasing your commitment and progress in achieving your company's ambition and goals.

GRI Standards

The GRI Standards are the leading and most widely used global standards for sustainability reporting. As certified GRI professionals, we are qualified to use the GRI standards to enable businesses to report on their most significant impacts on the economy, environment and people. 

All our clients can report consistently and accurately using the GRI framework, regardless of location or size. So, for example, a law company with 30 employees in Bournemouth can demonstrate their contributions to sustainable development and report on its energy consumption in the same way a multi-national telecommunications company reports in Europe.



The UN Sustainable goals in colour on a grid

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs are a common language adopted by many leading companies, civil societies and every government in the world.

Using the SDGS is a powerful way to communicate how your company contributes to solving some of the world's biggest challenges.

As a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2021, S29 Consultancy can align your company's current activities with the Global Goals and advance sustainability for your business by embedding the SDGs framework within your strategies and operations.  


Sustainable Strategies Created For You

S29 Consultancy

 Speak to  us today to start your sustainable journey

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